10:16 PM 0 comments

Never Stop doing things you're Passionate about..

Since graduating from UNCW, I've been hanging out in my apartment by myself for the most part because everyone that I know has gone home for the summer, some to return in the fall and some I will probably never get to see that often anymore, sad I know, but its the reality of life. I've been faced with reality pretty much all this year, first was probably when I didn't get into the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC for photography. That threw me into a loop hole because I did not have a plan b or whatever, I just knew I was going to get accepted, but after I didn't I figured this was God's plan for me to stay and be....normal? After not being accepted, I focused much of my energy into something that I LOVE and is really passionate about, DANCING. And yes I did choose a favorite between my two passions, photography and dancing lol. When I started dancing the spring of my Sophomore year of college, I figured it was something fun for me to do since I wasn't involved with anything on campus, and for the most part it was just something fun. It wasn't until towards the end of my junior year before Physical Graffeeti's end of the year showcase that I fell in love with it. It was like a relationship was formed between me and dancing haha. That was the first time I choreographed something (So much Betta-Janet-Intro AlterEg0 Hawk it Out if you're wondering). During that whole summer, I made it my goal to do something different, to better myself as a dancer and choreographer, and I think for a couple of months, I really transitioned myself from just a member of PG to a member that really made a difference this year (I think lol). So as my senior year is winding down, I was faced with the reality that I will have to give up being a dancer and choreographer because I have to "grow up" and be a old man i guess. It was like someone was telling me that I had to break up with my girlfriend and move on, and we just got serious LOL. ANYWAY, since I dont have cable at the moment, I decided to watch American Idol..blah blah, nothing new, there aint no Kelly clarkson, Fantasia, or Carrie Underwood up in there haha, but there was a new show premiering, a show called GLEE. I was tempted to turn off the tv, but there was a few jokes that I thought was funny so I decided to leave it on in the background. Thank God I left it on because it's actually a REALLY good show. It's about a teacher who is trying to revive the Glee Club which is like a musical club that goes to competition. He struggles with the fact that his wife is having a baby and he has to be responsible by "providing" for them so he quits his teaching job and applies for a accounting job(accounting SUCKS by the way lol). Well as he's about to leave a co-worker stops him and show tapes of him at 93 nationals competing with the Glee Club and tells him he shouldn't stop what he's passionate about. This made me think of myself because just because I'm a "old man" now and gotta take care of my responsibilities, that doesn't mean I have to stop doing things that I love. I would LOVE to teach area kids the True meaning of Hip-hop dancing, and I would do it for free because that's how much I love. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it, but somehow I will do it. This may be the reason God chose me to stay here in Wilmington instead of going to NYC, I dont know, but whatever happens in the future, I will NEVER Stop dancing!!!!!! and YOU should never stop doing things you're passionate about EITHER!

1:28 AM 0 comments

Graduation Photos

So here are my "official" graduation ceremony photos, they are ok I guess, but definitely not going to pay 200 bucks for these ok quality pics, I rather set up my stuff and photograph myself haha, OR i could just photoshop the "proof" from the photos, but that will take too long haha oh well
11:12 PM 0 comments

Why did you become a dancer?

I thought this subject needed to be discussed.

First thing, as a dancer and choreographer who lives in a city where hip-hop dancing is not heard of, we have to look at other places to find inspiration, and most of the time its what we see on tv and on youtube.com (as you may already see from my past entries). I'm all about getting ideas from choreographers and inspiration from there on doing some movements, but when you decide to steal someone's choreography and then say it is yours and then get paid for it, there is DEFINITELY a problem. How can someone call themselves a choreographer when all you did was take someone else's choreography and then teach it to people??? How can you say you've learned from the best and was taught this and that, but your skills doesnt even say nothing about you as a dancer, and all the famous name dropping that this dude claims he knows is even worse..and you "plan to take hip-hop dancing to a new level" HA! I find that HILARIOUS!

Secondly, in March I got to participate in a school event where dancers at the university could compete for prizes. I was SO glad to have the event over and done with when it did, one because my crew practiced so much and second because half if not more of the competitors wanted to be seen, wanted to be in the limelight, and did not give a shit about the art of dancing. I'm not gonna sit here and say being cheered on isnt fun and exciting but do you get as much pleasure and satisfaction when you just dance for yourself in front of the mirror?!?? I'll just say the the people who won first and second DEFINITELY deserved it, forget third, they basically took the whole routine from Step Up 2 and performed it in front of the school, I mean, come on bruh, and they said we didnt deserve to get 2nd. (Yes Im still bitter he said it, We should've GREETED them in our mini probate scene LOL) OMG IS THAT THE BREATH!

The reason I'm so passionate about this, is because as a dancer/choreographer who loves what he's doing, its damn disrespectful when you spend countless hours coming up with choreography and have someone steal it and then get REWARDED for it. Its basically PLAGIARISM!! and we all know what that can do if you don't properly cite your papers, a big ole F! anyway that was my rant for the day...haha, heres a video of a Tony Tran, a choreographer who i love, he may not be as "famous" as those ppl that dude seems to know, but I would rather learn from Tony than from...Shayne Sparks (no offense) lol...enjoy

9:16 PM 0 comments

Music make you loose control

I recently discovered a GREAT English artist James Morrison, after being in UNCW Dance Company and Tracee choreographed a song by him. I really like his music because he seems to sing his songs with passion, he sounds like John Mayer and Jason Mraz with some added SOUL! haha, here is a song I think you should listen to. The track is called "If you dont wanna love me"


Another GREAT artist from England is Adele,

listen to her track Hometown Glory :)
3:53 PM 0 comments

New Style of hip-hop dancing

As many of you may already know, I am a hip-hop dancer and I'm pretty "addicted" to it as SOME may think haha. In my defense I think anyone who has a passion for something should strive to be the best at it, whats the point of being good at something if you're just gonna waste it right? Anyways, I'm always looking for new choreographers on youtube who catches my attention with their swag or with their style of dance. Whether it is wacking or locking or poping I LOVE LOVE seeing new styles of dance. Well I just stumbled upon a style of dance that probably have been out for a while now and I love the energy of it! Its called House dance. Here is a video clip of Toybox who is in Team Millennia (one of the best crews ever!)

11:31 AM 0 comments


So I've been living at my new place here at Colonial Parke for about a week or so now and I have to say, roommates are OVERRATED haha! I'm glad to be living by myself now, tryin to be on that grown man status, but it also depresses me when I think about all the things I can't do anymore because I'm out in the real world now. Got a job with Verizon Wireless working as a customer rep for now, but hey starting salary is $27,000 a year and theres ALWAYS room for advancement! so that's baller but at the same time training is 18 weeks and I probably wont be doing anything but working and sleeping with no actual social life lol. Oh well, I guess that comes along with being a old man now. The next step in life is getting married, having kids, getting a dog, and buying a mini-van HA! Anyway, I've been working on some choreo to the song Too Cocky by Yung Keys, so far I think it's coming along pretty good, I dont know who I'll teach it to, maybe to the new members of Physical Graffeeti for a competition piece?? haha not sure yet. but since this is just a introductory blog entry I will end it here ;)

ps this is the song I'm choreographing