11:35 PM 0 comments

cancer awareness

Powerful Piece by Tyce DiOrio as a tribute to the breast cancer fighters

Everyone who is or have been affected by cancer can relate to this video. Last year, my brother in law Zoo Lee, lost his fight with cancer. During his battle, my sister Judy was there by his side, the one who had to stay strong, the superwoman. When I saw this video, I was instantly reminded of all the courage and strength she had during those hard last few months of his life and all the struggles she went through after his death. And Im not gonna lie, I was crying like a baby when I watching this video thinking about my sister and Zoo lol. This video is just another representation of why I love to dance.
2:27 PM 0 comments

Rememberable 2009 Performances

Here are some video clips of my performances so far this year, its only the beginning!!

Hawk It Out 2009: 2nd Place and voted CROWD FAVORITE!!!

Physical Graffeeti Showcase 2009: LoveLockDown, Hit That, Genesis
11:06 PM 0 comments


I always get reminded when I do a photoshoot why i chose dancing as my favorite passion...the end
11:09 AM 0 comments


I just have to say that contemporary dance is the most beautiful and powerful style of dance ever created, I've been wanting to have someone teach me legit contemporary for a while now. Seeing all those powerful and moving pieces by Mia Michaels on sytycd is definitely inspiring and im not gonna lie, gets me teary eyed haha!

8:40 PM 0 comments

the Movement....

I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I think this year will be the year that I put everything together and showcase everything that I've been wanting to do choreography wise. One thing about being a hip-hop choreographer, a lot of people have an idea of what they think hip-hop dancing is. Whether it'd be the booty shaking or the break dancing, most people expect to see that when they go to a show. So when I did choreograph pieces for PG, I had that knowledge in mind, to please the audience more than myself. I think every artist in every field struggle with that, to make money or whatever reason. Well this year, I will be showcasing pieces that I want to do to music pieces that I want to do, weird music, none of the 'commercial' songs out now, definitely wont be no 'JERKIN' lol. Some people may see my new choreography as boring or some may see it as fresh new twist to hip-hop dancing, which I hope they do, since I'm always inspired by my dance idols by their taste and style of choreography. I will be looking for at least 10 dancers that see my vision and can execute my choreography, Im really excited about what the future has in store for me. 2009 is my time!