12:20 AM 0 comments


I wonder if its too much to rechoreogh a song I did previously, and now that Im learning my style of musicality, Im beginning to hear the beats that I didnt previously. Like LOVE LOCKDOWN....damn that beat is tooo SICK!...ugh, oh well lol
1:27 AM 0 comments

Current Thoughts...

Its not nothing new if you know me that I don't really like my job, but I mean, who really does anyway? Something that keeps me going is the fact that everyday when I wake up, its one day closer to dancing, one day closer to doing something that I LOVE doing, and that is teaching dancing. Of course there are days where I get discouraged but I try to stay positive and remind myself that at the end of the day, I AM making moves and one day SOON, I WILL be doing something I want to do. The hardest part in anything is waiting for it to happen. What keeps me motivated is my dancers and all the people in the world who inspire to do things bigger than themselves.